Friday night we went to dinner at Betty’s (Bob King’s wife) sister’s place (Karin) where we had an excellent Lasagna dinner and Pineapple Delight for desert. We played cards which for some reason Bob won. We are still trying to figure that one out.
On Saturday Tom, Arda and myself went to Tuscan to Campers World to pick up a few items that we needed (wanted?). We also had to pick up 2 new tires for Biker Arda’s bike as she had over 4000 miles on the old ones and then wondered why she had flats the last couple of days. The store would not put them on the rims so Arda opted to mount them on the rims herself. She did a good job and did not pinch the tubes… at least that we can see so far.
Saturday night we met up with Willie and Vicki (Arda’s cousins from Petawawa Ontario (an hour north of Ottawa Canada), Tom, Bob & Betty and Karin and went to the Chute-out in Benson for a steak dinner. I would recommend this to anyone who likes steak as the meat is first quality.

As an added feature to Wrangler Dave’s Tally Log, we are adding Biker Arda’s 2 Cent Corner. It is not clear how often this will appear but it will be there sometime…
I can't believe we are here for a week tomorrow. The time has gone so fast... Dave is on his last day of cowboy school already. This week has been just great, with Dave gone all day it gave me a chance to get things organized in the trailer the way I want to..... (How do you like my shoe closet????)
It also gave me a chance to get used to the fact that this is going to be my home for the next year. As much as I love the fact that we are going to travel all year and see this beautiful country of ours, it is still a big adjustment to know that this is your home. I don't think Dave has a problem with this at all, so it must be a woman thing. I do have to say though that it has many advantages too. For example, I started house cleaning at 2.00 pm and was finished at 3.00 pm that included washing all the windows inside and out. Cool eh....It is also amazing to find out that we can do just fine with a lot less space and many less things... But I have also come to the conclusion that I could not live without a coffee pot and a microwave!!!!
All in all there was lots of time left over to get back into biking, and it will even be more fun next week when my butt doesn't hurt anymore.....
Well these are my thoughts and two cents for week one of our adventure...
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