Another week gone. Actually it flew by. It is hard to believe we have been here for a month already. The weather is beautiful (70’s & 80’s with lots of sunshine). This is the perfect climate for doing things outdoors. Wrangler Dave has had a great week/month working on his roping, horsemanship and then trying to put them together when roping cattle. I worked a lot of horsemanship this week (Bob is such a great teacher and so patient) both on the ground and on horseback with a couple of different horses… Too Tall and Uno. It has been extremely satisfying and exciting to see each of the horses progress in different ways. Of course most of the time I am not sure if Wrangler Dave is teaching them or they are teaching Wrangler Dave… maybe a bit of both. We spent hours just working the horses very slowly, putting them through all types of exercises to help them get better in the areas where they need help.
Too Tall saying, "you want to do what!".JPG)
I was also able to watch Bob as he put shoes on Banjo (one of Bob’s personal horses). It is really interesting to see how the foot is formed as it grows and how shoeing can change the entire formation of the hoof. While I have learned a ton, there are still tons and tons of things to learn about ropes, horses and cattle. I will never be bored!
Taking a break after some very stressful work!

(Wrangler Dave, Mike Goyins & Cowboy Tom)
As for Biker Arda, Willie, Vicki and Arda did some hiking at the Cochise Stronghold (4 hours long) up the mountain and they had a blast. Unfortunately Vicki slipped and scrapped her arm. The good news is that her right arm matches the biking-scratches on her right leg (you will have to ask her about this story ‘cause Wrangler Dave is keeping his mouth shut on this one!

Biker Arda making sure Wrangler Dave didn't burn dinner!
They also took the truck and went over the Dragoon Mountains on a back-road. It took them over 2 hours to go about 20 miles. Arda and I did that last year and it was just beautiful. The beauty in the desert is a rugged beauty, not like the north where there is lots of green grass, etc. – of course we don’t have the snow either.
Today (Sat) Biker Arda and I are packing as we leave tomorrow. We are just lazing around doing a little bit at a time because the sun and temperatures are perfect… too perfect to work very hard. Tomorrow we leave for Tucson where we will see Laurene and Roy who are friends of ours from Canada. After that we are heading towards Globe (Biker Arda still has 20 miles to cover - where she was snowed out last year). I guess I better leave room for Biker Arda’s 2 Cents Worth.
Biker Arda’s 2 Cents Worth
It has been a while but don't let that fool you that I have nothing to say... I just don't always write it down! We are coming to an end of our stay at Goldminers campground. For Dave I'm sure that it will be sad since he has been doing what he loves to do for the last month. For me I have had a good time here but I'm very excited about moving to the next place. I have done some great bike riding. Had some wonderful walks with Jean, she just has a way to keep you smiling. But overall during the day could be very lonely (remember I'm used to going to a supermarket every day). So I have decided that when we come back here next year I will have to get involved in something... I have a whole year to decide what. I have some ideas but still have to think about them some more.
This past week has been wonderful with Willie and Vicki here and other than just sitting around and visiting we have done some great things. Like on Tuesday we hiked the Cochise Stronghold. We started the trail from the Stronghold campground and it took us 2 ½ hours to get to the top that is the east/west Summit. After a picnic lunch we started back down again which went a lot faster, only 1 ½ hours. The weather was warm, in the high eighties so it made for a perfect day. I enjoyed every minute of it. On the way home we visited Dave at the ranch so Willie and Vicky could see him in action...
We also went for a trip to Tombstone but instead of taking the highway we took the back roads through the mountains. When I say back roads, I mean a one lane primitive road (maybe I should say path!). But the views were beautiful...
Around 4:00 pm we would usually get together for cocktails. I'm sure Dave could smell them ‘cause he was always home shortly after that... Last night we had a wonderful spaghetti dinner that Willie cooked for us while Vicki and I sat outside... Then this morning the Van Hoof's left again, direction Tucson, but we will meet up with them again in another week or so.